Thursday, 8 May 2014

Book Launch News!

After several delays, I am happy announce that Witnesses of Perfect Love will be in print later this month. It is volume 4 in the Tyndale Seminary Series in Wesleyan Theology and History, from Clements Publishing.

There are two events where you can celebrate the launch of the book with me. The first is that the book will be available at the Free Methodist Church in Canada General Conference in Toronto, ON May 16-19. If you are already attending this event, I would be happy for you to pick up a copy of the book that weekend. I will be at this event and will be happy to chat with you about the book.

The second event will be a Book Launch sponsored by the Regent College bookstore. I am excited to launch this book from Regent where much of the research and writing took place. Join me on May 22, at 7:30 pm at Regent College for a lecture, a book signing and a reception to follow.

 I am excited to share the stories of Early Methodist spirituality through the book and through this lecture. In the lecture I will be introducing you to the ideas, but more importantly the people I encountered in my research. The stories of encountering God in transformational ways have had a significant impact on me personally. I feel blessed to have encountered these women and men from the eighteenth century.

In addition to the book launch elements of the event on May 22, my husband Tim and I will be bidding Vancouver farewell as we move on to our next adventure in Saskatoon, SK. Please join us that evening to say farewell and hear about our new adventure at the reception.

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