Thursday, 30 October 2014

Saskatoon Book Launch - Nov 21, 7pm

I am happy celebrate Witnesses of Perfect Love in print with a Saskatoon book launch event. The book is part of the Tyndale Seminary Series in Wesleyan Theology and History, from Clements Publishing.

Join me on November 21, at 7:00 pm at Hampton Free Methodist Church (2930 McClocklin Road, Saskatoon) for a short lecture, a book signing and a reception to follow.

I am excited to share the stories of Early Methodist spirituality through the book and through this lecture. In the lecture I will be introducing you to the ideas, but more importantly the people I encountered in my research. The stories of encountering God in transformational ways have had a significant impact on me personally. I feel blessed to have encountered these women and men from the eighteenth century.

Books will be available for purchase for $25 (cash only) at the event. Please contact Amy by November 8 if you would like a copy of the book to ensure there are enough available that night.

I am also happy to announce that the book is also available for purchase at Chapter & Verse at Lakeview Free Methodist Church.

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